E-Mail Notification

If the travel rule information of the other party is unknown and not available in the list-vasp service, we contact the other exchange via e-mail on your behalf. We send all the necessary information to the other party as a receipt. The sample e-mail is similar to the one below.

You have received 1234 BTC from 0x061f7937b7b2bc7596539959804f86538b6368dc.
The transaction hash of this deposit is: 0xc93e0d531a233fe207808feb3c9d224694fa8c5313ac59ff54ef50f67e1aa55a.

Since the amount requires us to verify the originator before we can credit them to your account, please provide the following details:
First name: Bruce
Last name: Wayne

For Singapore requirements, also provide one of the following:

1. Address information
Building number:

2. Date and place of birth
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

3. National ID
ID number: 123EE22
ID type: DRLC
Country of issue: DC

Our reference: cad5d297-d2df-41c9-b2d7-53c131f71927


Last updated