NFT List

What is this request?

You can see all your ERC-721 tokens in these services ethereum and polygon network by wallet. Avalanche and binance smart chain supports is soon.

What can I do with this service?

With this service, you can obtain all NFTs of the given wallet address via multi-chain with a single request. With the received NFT information, you can request NFTs in your project or wallet application.


var axios = require('axios');

axios.get('', {
    params: {
      address: '0x787970ad122d5947579e613c2464d9540081b46f',
      language: 'en',
      key: 'API_KEY',
  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {

After synchronized wallet you want to use you can test it like this.


  • address (required): A user address (i.e. 0x1a2b3x...). If specified, the user attached to the query is ignored and the address will be used instead.

  • key (required): API key for requests.

  • language (optional): Service language. Default value is en. Can be en or tr.

Request Example


Query Parameters

  "result": {
    "message": "OK",
    "code": 0
  "data": {
    "list": [
        "contract_address": "0x57f1887a8bf19b14fc0df6fd9b2acc9af147ea85",
        "token_id": "76020570710480443566278016252755417624438419203835959987865547070716936264471",
        "token_type": "ERC721",
        "network": "eth",
        "chainId": 1,
        "name": "hasret.eth",
        "description": "hasret.eth, an ENS name.",
        "metadata": {
          "background_image": "",
          "image": "",
          "is_normalized": true,
          "segment_length": 6,
          "image_url": "",
          "name": "hasret.eth",
          "description": "hasret.eth, an ENS name.",
          "attributes": [
              "display_type": "date",
              "value": 1659182656000,
              "trait_type": "Created Date"
              "display_type": "number",
              "value": 6,
              "trait_type": "Length"
              "display_type": "number",
              "value": 6,
              "trait_type": "Segment Length"
              "display_type": "string",
              "value": "letter",
              "trait_type": "Character Set"
              "display_type": "date",
              "value": 1659182656000,
              "trait_type": "Registration Date"
              "display_type": "date",
              "value": 1690739608000,
              "trait_type": "Expiration Date"
          "name_length": 6,
          "version": 0,
          "url": ""
        "media": [
            "raw": "",
            "gateway": "",
            "thumbnail": "",
            "format": "svg+xml",
            "bytes": 692123
        "image": ""
    "total": 2.1

Last updated